This track is upligting, motivating, inspiring, fresh, clean, soft, lite, minimal, light, upbeat, positive, powerful, emotional, energising background track. If you buy this track you get a license to use it track as a background music for your any upligting and inspiring projects, video, TV show, computer game and etc. Best this track is suitable for visual project like promotions, intros and openers, inspiring videos, corporate videos, youtube videos, advertisements and presentations, montages and technology videos, TV, after effects templates (videohive projects), radio, business presentations, commercials, ads, slideshows, marketing, promotional, infographics, documentary, web and other media projects, visuals and advertising, radio, soundtracks, podcasts, timelapse videos, tutorials, technology advertising, videos about space, meditation videos etc.

Click on the Download button to download the preview. You can find this item again by searching its preview file name: 3218424Preview.mp3

Length 188
BPM 105
Loop No