Drum and bass breakbeat tune with lots of distortion catchy bass lines and acid synths. Also there is a couple of vocal samples to spice it up as well as an acoustic guitar break.
Dynamic, fast and powerful drum and bass music track, with energetic rhythm parts, synth lead and pads and powerful bass. Perfect for extreme sports, racing, futuristic and technology video and presentation and much more
鼓打贝斯碎拍的曲调,采用了很多失真的低音线和合成器。 还有一些人声采样可以为它增添趣味,还有原声吉他。
动感,快速和强大的鼓打贝斯音乐曲目,充满活力的节奏部分,合成主音和打击垫以及强劲的低音。 适合极限运动,赛车,未来派和技术视频和演示等等

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时长 141
BPM 125
循环 No