
Perfect for Documentary Piano Cinematic films, commercials, presentations, TV, drama, series, history, movies and any projects that require music background. Used harp, piano, strings. Very romantic, calm melody with a rocking rhythm, like the waves of life. Creates a mood of joy, pleasant sadness, of reflection, of nostalgia, of memories.The mood of the track: advertising, ambient, background, beautiful, business, cinematic, commercial, corporate, documentary, dramatic, emotional, epic, film, inspirational, meditation, modern, motivational, piano, presentation, science, serious, soft, suspense, technology, trailer, uplifting.

This item includes 5 versions (wav) in zip file:
Emotional Cinematic Calm Inspiring Main (2:39)
Emotional Cinematic Calm Inspiring Middle (2:09)
Emotional Cinematic Calm Inspiring Short (1:24)
Emotional Cinematic Calm Inspiring Loop 1 (0:15)
Emotional Cinematic Calm Inspiring Loop 2 (0:15)
非常适合纪录片钢琴电影,广告,演示,电视,戏剧,系列,历史,电影和任何需要音乐背景的项目。二手竖琴、钢琴、弦乐。非常浪漫,平静的旋律带有摇摆的节奏,像生活的波浪。创造一种欢乐,愉快的悲伤,反思,怀旧,回忆的心情。轨道的心情: 广告,环境,背景,美丽,商业,电影,商业,企业,纪录片,戏剧性,情感,史诗,电影,鼓舞人心,冥想,现代,激励,钢琴,演讲,科学,严肃,柔和,悬念,技术,预告片,振奋。

此项目包括zip文件中的5个版本 (wav):
情感电影平静鼓舞人心 (2:39)
情感电影般的平静鼓舞人心的中间 (2:09)
情感电影般的平静鼓舞人心的短片 (1:24)
情感电影平静鼓舞人心的循环1 (0:15)
情感电影平静鼓舞人心的循环2 (0:15)

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时长 163
BPM 64
循环 Yes