
An epic orchestral track that builds in intensity throughout the song, the sound is big and epic but also evokes feelings of sorrow and melancholy, this is the climax for the hero in your story.
Perfect for trailers, video games, TV, Youtube and much more!
An epic orchestral track that builds in intensity throughout the song, the sound is big and epic but also evokes feelings of sorrow and melancholy, this is the climax for the hero in your story.
Perfect for trailers, video games, TV, Youtube and much more!
An epic orchestral track that builds in intensity throughout the song, the sound is big and epic but also evokes feelings of sorrow and melancholy, this is the climax for the hero in your story.
Perfect for trailers, video games, TV, Youtube and much more!
An epic orchestral track that builds in intensity throughout the song, the sound is big and epic but also evokes feelings of sorrow and melancholy, this is the climax for the hero in your story.
Perfect for trailers, video games, TV, Youtube and much more!

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时长 132
BPM 80
循环 Yes