“Sentimental Emotional Piano and Strings” Inspiring, dramatic, hopeful and beautiful cinematic soundtrack. Touching, solemn, tender, elegant, encouraging; feelings of joy for your media work. Perfect for background music in slideshows, inspirational commercials, motivational and uplifting presentations, christian projects, sad & sentimental videos, coaching, personal growth, life achievements, wedding and romantic or valentine′s day video, charity video campaigns, and more. Instruments: acoustic piano, cello and orchestral strings.
“情感 情绪 钢琴 弦乐”这是一首鼓舞人心,戏剧性,充满希望和美丽的电影配乐。 感人,庄重,温柔,优雅,令人鼓舞; 能让您的媒体工作充满欢乐的感觉。 非常适合幻灯片,背景广告,激励性和振奋人心的演讲,基督教项目,悲伤和感伤的视频,教练,个人成长,生活成就,婚礼和浪漫或情人节视频,慈善视频运动等背景音乐。 乐器:原声钢琴,大提琴和管弦乐队。

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时长 126
BPM 96
循环 No