100Audio:Would you like to introduce yourself/band briefly?
Yurity:My name is Yuriy. I am from Belarus. I am a composer on 100 Audio.com I studied for 6 years in the music school on the trumpet class. Since that time Music always occupied most of my life. I listened to different styles and bands. When I was a child I spent my pocket money on audio CD’s and audio cassettes and dreamed to connect my life with music.
100Audio:What is your job in real life?
Yurity:Now, I make a living by producing music. But earlier, I used to be anyone else: from the street seller to office manager. And I hope I won’t have to go back there.
100Audio:How long have you been producing music in this filed?What is the reason for you to stick to produce music?
Yurity:About 4 years. It allows me to earn enough to support my family. This is what I like and brings pleasure, freedom, unlike boring office work. There is also an opportunity for creativity and the flight of my soul. In addition, there is no time frame for creating tracks: sometimes I can work hard, and sometimes I can do other things all days long. And no one threatens me, that I can be fired.
100Audio:Would you like to share and introduce projects you are involved? Such as advertising or movies? How do you feel about those experiences?
Yurity:I feel very good about those experiences. But I haven’t been looking for videos with my music on the Internet for a long time. It’s enough for me that people buy my music, which means that my music is suitable for many people to help to describe their product on the Internet.
Yurity:我喜欢尝试也欣赏不同风格的音乐,比如:史诗、企业、氛围和电音等。三年前的我还是很喜欢Depeche mode的,但是我现在更关注优质的免版税音乐。
100Audio:What are the music styles that you are good at? Who is the musician who has the most influence on you?
Yurity:I create different styles: epic, corporate, ambient, electronica… I appreciate every genre of music. But I haven’t reached my perfection in any particular genre yet. It used to be Depeche mode more than 3 years ago, but now I concentrate on good royalty free music.
100Audio:Is there any interesting story happening in your production process? Would you like to share?
Yurity:One day, my friend asked me to help to determine the tone of his melody. But I got so carried away that I made an arrangement for this melody, and when my wife heard the track, she said that it was a great soundtrack for the dance of little evil witches. It was really funny.
100Audio:How do you know 100Audio? How do you think of 100Audio?
Yurity:From our local audio forum. Excellent platform for earning and promoting music. I am sure that 100 Audio will continue to develop and increase its influence in the world of royalty free music.
100Audio:What impact does a platform like 100Audio have on today’s music market?
Yurity:Royalty free music has great importance for everyone who advertises their products in videos. Since this kind of music makes it easy to turn on monetization on videos without presenting copyright and saves the buyer from various problems, which might arise when using copyrighted music.
100Audio:Why do you choose 100Audio? How are your sales on 100Audio?
Yurity:Because it is a good opportunity for earnings and promoting my music. I am satisfied. But I have to work harder to have more sales.
Yurity:那是当然的。我已经把100Audio推荐给我很多音乐合作伙伴了。他们的评价都不错。上传的作品里我可能更喜欢Corporative track吧,因为它的销量很好哈哈。
100Audio:Would you recommend 100Audio to your friends? What is your favorite track among all works you uploaded on 100Audio?
Yurity:I have already invited some of my friends-composers here. I hope this will encourage me to work more and better to withstand the competition.
100Audio:Is there any change for your life or work after joining in 100Audio?
Yurity:I started to value my tracks more due to the adequate prices for them on your website. Besides, I started earning a little more.
100Audio:What are the differences between 100Audio and other music stock?
Yurity:You have a lot of features, such as requirements for uploading midi projects and screenshots of projects. Therefore, more strict rules in general. But on the other hand, any risk of fraud is reduced to zero, this is good.
100Audio:What’s your view on the Chinese music market?
Yurity:This is an actively developing music market that offers an excellent range of music for both video bloggers and medium-sized and large companies.