Home Support Music What is Seamless Loop Music (Loop Music)?

In some games, the music is played in a non-stop cycle, without being interrupted.
The practical principle is that the head and tail of such music are seamlessly connected. We call it a seamless loop music, or LOOP music.

In 100Audio, you can easily know if an item can be played seamlessly simply by looking under the ‘Loop’ tag (marked “Yes” – music is a seamless cycle of music).

The general music player (cool dog, QQ music, Media Player, etc.) and web players are unable to achieve seamless music playback (100audio web player can not achieve seamless loop). You need to use professional audio processing tools or a professional player to achieve seamless loop playback.

It is not recommended to use MP3 format audio in a game or program (in case you need a seamless loop).

The MP3 format itself has a small capacity, and it allows you to save song’s ID3 information and other advantages. Nevertheless, using it in a game or a program is not recommended because the MP3 format audio files usually will not be looped seamlessly. The reason for that is that at the beginning or the end of the audio inserted 128 bytes for store audio information. It is recommended to use the OGG format to avoid this problem (for conversion to OGG format, use the “format factory” tool conversion).

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