Instrumental music made for piano and orchestra. The style is very close to soundtrack clasical music, and the mood is relaxed, emotional and sentimental. The music starts with the piano, palying the main notes of the composition. Then the music increases the emotional feelings with the incorporation of orchestral instruments, like strings and some percussion.
This music fits perfect for cinematic projects with sentimental and romantic topics. Also very good for reports, documentaries, advertising and other media projects.
钢琴和管弦乐制作的作品。 风格非常接近原声音乐,情绪轻松,情绪化和多愁善感。 音乐始于钢琴,并作为作品的主要音符。 然后音乐通过结合管弦乐,如弦乐和一些打击乐来增加情感感受。
这种音乐非常适合具有感性和浪漫主题的电影项目。 对报道,纪录片,广告和其他媒体项目也非常有用。

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时长 124
BPM 100
循环 No