The single “Winter Inspiration” was born in January 2023 – a snowy winter, with thaws, frosts and beautiful snow decoration. In this instrumental composition, consisting of the first two calm, contemplative parts and the third part, fast as a blizzard, and the fourth part, equally swift and at the same time trance-inducing, you will feel all the moods of this difficult winter.

The inspiration for this release was the creativity of the British rock band Deep Purple. Although it may seem strange to her true lovers.
单曲《Winter Inspiration》诞生于2023年1月-一个白雪皑皑的冬天,有解冻、霜冻和美丽的雪装饰。在这个器乐作品中,由前两个平静,沉思的部分和第三部分组成,快如暴风雪,第四部分同样迅速,同时引起恍惚,你会感受到这个艰难冬天的所有心情。

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时长 213
BPM 120
循环 No