Clean, modern track with an upbeat and energetic feel! There is steady confident rhythm, emotional melody, acoustic piano, magical synths and charming uplifting atmosphere. This track works well with: TV shows, small business, sports media, work and finance, positive tutorials, pop, kickstarter videos, technology and education, video game soundtrack, corporate presentations, radio broadcasting, festivals, infographics, CrowdFunding campaigns, timelapse videos, interviews, advertising, motivational infographics, inspiring presentations and vlogs, applications, technological innovations etc.
这是一首干净、现代的音乐,充满乐观和活力!有稳定自信的节奏,情感旋律,原声钢琴,神奇的合成和迷人的振奋气氛。该曲目与: 电视节目,小型企业,体育媒体,工作和财务,正面教程,流行,kickstarter视频,技术和教育,视频游戏配乐,公司演示,广播广播,节日,信息图表,众筹活动,延时视频,访谈,广告,动机信息图表,鼓舞人心的演示和视频博客、应用程序、技术创新。

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时长 118
BPM 110
循环 No