Happy and delightful acoustic folk with a jazzy touch. A carefree, celebratory music that evokes feelings of happiness and remembrance of good times. This track features real nylon guitars and ukulele, complimented by upright bass, drums and snaps. A vintage music character was carried into the production to convey memories of a sunny afternoon, lending a bright and joyful vibe to your project.
快乐而令人愉快的原声民谣,带有爵士乐的触感。 一种无忧无虑的庆祝音乐,唤起幸福感和美好时光的回忆。 这个曲目以真正的尼龙吉他和尤克里里为特色,并辅以直立的贝司、鼓和尤克里里。 一个复古的音乐角色被带入了制作中,以传达一个阳光明媚的下午的回忆,为您的项目带来明亮和快乐的氛围。

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时长 67
BPM 124
循环 No