A romantic emotional and sentimental track on the topic of Autumn. The track begins quiet with piano, strings and upright bass parts. And then there is a culmination with drums, staccato strings, cello, violin and clarinet. “Beautiful Autumn” is perfect not only for autumn slideshows, but for other purposes as well. The track is also good for commercials, advertising, presentations, youtube videos, GoPro videos, films, movies, timelapses and more.
一首浪漫的,充满秋季气息的音乐。配有钢琴,鼓,大提琴,小提琴和单簧管。 适用于秋季幻灯片,也适用于其他用途,商业广告,广告,演示文稿,YouTube视频,GoPro视频,电影,电影,时间流逝等。

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时长 121
BPM 140
循环 No