Instrumental composition made for orchestra and piano. The music is beautiful and nice, the mood is positive and optimistic and describes a situation of blossoming of nature etc. The music is leaded by a piano and the main melody is played by a flute. The orchestra gives support of allo harmonies and the percussion emphatizes the emotional content of the piece. The rhythm is light and fresh and the style is very near to soundtrack and a classical havanera.
一首配有管弦和钢琴的音乐, 美丽而美好,情绪积极乐观,描述了大自然的开花等情况。音乐由钢琴引导,主旋律由长笛演奏。 管弦乐队支持起和声部分,打击乐器强调了作品的情感。 节奏轻盈清新,风格非常接近原声带。

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时长 127
BPM 120
循环 No