100Audio:Would you like to introduce yourself/band briefly? How long have you been producing music in this filed?
ISAo:Hi, I am ISAo. I am a music producer from Japan.It has been about five years since I entered the stock music market.I used to compose electronica and shoegather music for fun and was looking for the way to monetize my work.
100Audio:What is the reason for you to stick to producing music?What are the music styles that you are good at?
ISAo:Simply put, creating music is entertaining. I believe that’s the ultimate reason why a lot of people in the industry decided to do whatever they do. It’s definitely one of the most creative and exciting ways to express yourself.My main focus has been battle music for video games so far. I make not only uplifting or intense music but emotional and sentimental ones. That’s what I believe is the unique point of those.
ISAo:最近,我参与了一个名为Center Line的科幻电影项目,并为其提供了配乐。自2018年上映以来,这部电影已获得各种国际奖项,例如,在2019年旧金山独立电影节和伦敦国际电影人节上获得最佳电影人奖。对我来说,能够参加各种各样的电影节,并得到媒体的大量关注,确实是一个很好的机会。
100Audio:Would you like to share and introduce projects you are involved? Such as advertising or movies? How do you feel about those experiences?
ISAo:I was recently involved in a Sci-Fi film project called Center Line, for which I provided its soundtracks. This movie has received various international awards since it was released in 2018, the best filmmaker awards at the San Francisco IndieFest and London International Filmmaker Festival in 2019, for instance.
It was truly a great opportunity for me to be able to be a part of various film festivals and receive a lot of attentions from the media.
ISAo:林佑希(Yuuki Hayashi)是我在日本最喜欢的音乐家。他那情感丰富且美妙的音乐风格令人印象深刻。在国际上我喜欢65 days of statics(英国实验乐队), Sonic Mayhem(德国游戏音乐家,声音设计师), and Toby Fox(美国游戏开发者及作曲家,以Undertale闻名)。Toby的音乐很棒。今年夏天,我去了大阪交响音乐厅参加Undertale(视频游戏)音乐原声管弦音乐会。非常棒!
100Audio:Who is the musician who has the most influence on you?
ISAo:Yuuki Hayashi is my favorite musician in Japan.
His emotional and wonderful music style is very impressive.
Internationally, I like 65 days of statics, Sonic Mayhem, and Toby Fox, who became famous for Undertale. Toby’s music is excellent. I went to go to an orchestral concert of Undertale’s soundtrack this summer at the Osaka Symphony Hall. It was awesome!
100Audio:How do you know 100Audio?How do you think of 100Audio?
ISAo:Originally, I was interested in entering the Chinese stock music market and searching on the web using Baidu and Google translator. That’s when I found 100Audio for the first time.
I liked its web UI/UX and wanted to publish my music there.I liked the fact that the staff is friendly to publishers . They are always so responsive in the forum and answer the questions asked by the composers all over the world.
100Audio:What impact does a platform like 100Audio have on today’s music market?
ISAo:It’s pretty obvious that, it’s provided broadcast media and creators with much broader choices for music material.
But what I think the biggest impact is that it offers music producers not only an alternative way to monetize their work, but also the opportunities to connect with people. The more your stock music are recognized on the platform, the more potential you can connect with customers. It gives you not just one-off content delivery platform but the gateway to the unlimited business opportunities.
100Audio:Is there any suggestion for 100Audio?
ISAo:It would be great if I could put my quick profile, direct URLs to my website or SNS into my 100Audio page so that the users can quickly see it. It would be a great incentive for music composers to publish their music.
100Audio:What is your favorite track among all works you uploaded on 100Audio? Why?
ISAo:There are 2 tracks that I like and are actually best selling:
Emotional Passionate Battle music:https://100audio.com/ja/download/955246/
Cooking Show Cute Piano and Violin:https://100audio.com/ja/download/1257563/
Although they are in a different genre, you’ll probably find their melodies are quite catchy. It’d be great if you can check them out.
100Audio:What’s your view on Chinese music market?
ISAo:The music industry in Japan used to be the second largest in the world, but the Chinese market recently surpassed that. I suppose its IT and video game markets are one of the biggest drivers of the growth.
Going forward, Chinese companies are expected to have more opportunities to approach to international customers and the stock music market will definitely expand for the coming years, which also means the business is getting more and more competitive.
I would like to keep up my work and produce a lot more stock music that excite and inspire people.