Inspirational, beautiful and emotional uplifting theme. Sad but hopeful, suitable to show tragedies and dramas. Great for charity themes, drama documentary, sad moments, emotional videos, community and other inspiring and emotional moments. A sad story about such features as: unrequited love, parting, atmospheric, beautiful, calm, dreamy, emotional, flowing, inspiring, inspirational, heartwarming, light, peaceful, mystical, reflective, sensitive, sentimental, soft, warm, touching, tender, sad, sadness. Music with with nice guitar, beat, piano, violin, horn and some synths.
鼓舞人心,美丽动人的令人振奋的主题。悲伤但充满希望,适合表现悲剧和戏剧。非常适合慈善主题,戏剧纪录片,悲伤时刻,情感视频,社区和其他鼓舞人心的情感时刻。 一个悲伤的故事,例如:无回报的爱,离别,气氛,美丽,平静,梦幻,情感,流动,激励,鼓舞,温馨,光明,和平,神秘,反思,敏感,多愁善感,柔软,温暖,感人,温柔,悲伤。音乐配上动听的吉他,节拍,钢琴,小提琴,圆号和一些合成器。

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时长 171
BPM 90
循环 No