Thought provoking, sentimental and emotional instrumental music with echoes of the past. Dreamy, thoughtful, pensive and relaxing. Reflecting the goodness of the innate kindness of human nature. Instrumentation includes piano, drums, synth pad, woodwind, flute, clarinet, bass and guitars. It begins with a sad and mournful theme that builds to a more positive resolution. Ideal for depicting dreams, nostalgia and memories of the past.

发人深省以及抒情的器乐,彷佛回忆过去的往事。梦幻,体贴,沉思和放松。表达着人类天性善良的一面。 乐器包括钢琴,鼓,合成器,木管,长笛,单簧管,贝斯和吉他。 音乐一开始是忧伤的主题,接着音乐的情感转变为更坚定的决心。非常适合描绘梦想,怀旧和过去的回忆。

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时长 94
BPM 122
循环 Yes