This is a short and small orchestral music episode, playful and fun clip, that could match many applications such as TV spot in reality show, cartoon, animated video for children. You will find it useful in games for mobile devices, or even some kind of funny lifestyle commercial and advertising,or any other comic scenes.

一首简短的管弦乐曲,俏皮和有趣的剪辑可以用在许多地方,如真人秀节目、卡通、儿童动画视频。 你会发现它很适合用于移动设备的游戏中甚至是某种有趣的生活方式商业或广告,和任何其他的漫画场景。


您可点击 下载 按钮下载试听版,选定音乐后,可通过搜索数字ID或文件名376093Preview.mp3找到该产品。

类别 ,
时长 91
BPM 90
循环 No