“Panic Attack Rock” is an disturbing track created to convey an atmosphere of uncertainty and tension. The minimalistic but aggressive guitar sound and the staccato, changing rhythm create a feeling of instability and insecurity. This track is perfect for scenes in which the character is in a state of panic or anxiety, when everything around seems uncertain and unpredictable. With this track, you will be able to convey to the viewer all the emotions and feelings of the hero of the story, who is on the edge of his capabilities. “Panic Attack Rock” is music that will make the viewer keep a very tense atmosphere until the very end.
“恐慌袭击摇滚” 是一个令人不安的轨道,旨在传达一种不确定和紧张的气氛。简约但激进的吉他声音和断断续续的节奏,不断变化的节奏营造出不稳定和不安全感。这条赛道非常适合角色处于恐慌或焦虑状态的场景,当时周围的一切似乎都不确定且不可预测。有了这条赛道,您将能够向观众传达故事英雄的所有情感和感受,他处于能力的边缘。“恐慌攻击摇滚” 是音乐,将使观众保持非常紧张的气氛,直到最后。

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时长 98
BPM 138
循环 No