The whole process creates a sense of loneliness at night through a brief theme, which evokes a depressed mood in one’s heart. The structure has a progressive sense of hierarchy, using an electric piano, synthesizer and electric guitar.
The whole process creates a sense of loneliness at night through a brief theme, which evokes a depressed mood in one’s heart. The structure has a progressive sense of hierarchy, using an electric piano, synthesizer and electric guitar.
The whole process creates a sense of loneliness at night through a brief theme, which evokes a depressed mood in one’s heart. The structure has a progressive sense of hierarchy, using an electric piano, synthesizer and electric guitar.
The whole process creates a sense of loneliness at night through a brief theme, which evokes a depressed mood in one’s heart. The structure has a progressive sense of hierarchy, using an electric piano, synthesizer and electric guitar.
The whole process creates a sense of loneliness at night through a brief theme, which evokes a depressed mood in one’s heart. The structure has a progressive sense of hierarchy, using an electric piano, synthesizer and electric guitar.

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时长 300
BPM 154
循环 No