Dive into a moment of pure tranquility with “Light”, a captivating new-age composition that seamlessly blends meditative tones with ambient bliss, creating an oasis of relaxation and inner peace. Immerse yourself in its ethereal choir melodies and gentle rhythms, perfect for cinema, yoga sessions, meditation practices, and spa treatments. Let this beautiful calm melody guide you on a journey of rejuvenation and spiritual harmony, enveloping your senses in a cocoon of calming serenity.
用 “光” 潜入纯粹宁静的时刻,这是一种迷人的新时代组合,将冥想的色调与环境的幸福无缝地融合在一起,创造了放松和内心平静的绿洲。让自己沉浸在空灵的合唱团旋律和温柔的节奏中,非常适合电影院,瑜伽课程,冥想练习和水疗护理。让这个美丽的平静的旋律引导你的复兴和精神和谐的旅程,包围你的感官在平静的宁静的茧。

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时长 300
BPM 100
循环 No