
Let’s go to the break! Snow, mountains and of course snowboarding. Beautiful tricks, jumps and falls. Beautiful girls, informal guys, bright clothes, energy and everything that makes life brighter. We present our new track, which conveys all these emotions. It’s a mixture of Punk, Hip-Hop, Trap and Hardcore. Everyone who is in the culture will understand. The track is easy to edit and cut for any energetic video. All for extreme lovers. For convenience, the archive includes the full version of the track and a short one: Snowboard Show – 2:14 sec Snowboard Show Short – 0:47 sec Thank you for listening to our track. It’s perfect for your cool project!
让我们休息一下!雪,山,当然还有滑雪板。漂亮的把戏,跳跃和跌倒。美丽的女孩,明亮的衣服,能量和一切使生活更加光明。我们展示我们的新音乐,它传达了所有这些情感。它是朋克,嘻哈,trap和硬核的混合物。文化中的每个人都会理解。该曲目易于编辑和剪切,适用于任何精力充沛的视频。为方便起见,该档案包括完整版本的曲目和一个简短的版本: 滑雪板表演-2:14 sec滑雪板表演0:47 sec感谢您收听我们的曲目。它非常适合你的酷项目!

您可点击 下载 按钮下载试听版,选定音乐后,可通过搜索数字ID或文件名3078234Preview.mp3找到该产品。

时长 137
BPM 88
循环 No