Corporate Ambient Technology Exclusive motivational track. Imagine yourself driving the car of your dream and passing by picturesques places while listemning to this track. It will help you to get motivated and inspired. Used instriments: flowing pads and arrpegiators, soft piano, harmonic guitar and many more.

This is the first exclusive incentive music for a technology service company with a sense of vitality. Imagine you are driving your dream car, listening to this music, and passing by a picturesque place. It will help you gain motivation and inspiration.

企业环境技术独家激励音乐。 想象一下自己驾驶着梦想中的汽车,一边听着这首音乐,一边路过风景如画的地方。 它将帮助您获得动力和灵感。 使用的乐器:流动的铺垫和琶音器,柔和的钢琴,和声吉他等等。

这是具有生命力的科技服务公司的首首专属激励音乐。 想象一下,您正在驾驶梦想中的汽车,听着这首音乐,经过一个风景如画的地方。 它将帮助您获得动力和灵感。

您可点击 下载 按钮下载试听版,选定音乐后,可通过搜索数字ID或文件名2725416Preview.mp3找到该产品。

时长 180
BPM 120
循环 No