A children’s Day Music Festival is dedicated to the music of the children’s day. The whole tone is tuned to a naughty and lively tune. It is added to the piano’s decomposition to make the whole song lively and naughty with a pleasant yearning. Plus, the melody is played alternately with the flute rotation to make the whole song lively, beautiful and warm. Cheerfulness, plucking strings,
一首专为六一儿童节制作的音乐 用拨弦铺底 使全曲的基调为调皮活泼的定调 加入了竖琴分解 使全曲活泼调皮中带有美好的向往的感觉 再加上小提琴 跟长笛轮换交替演奏主旋律使全曲活泼 美好 温暖并存 六一儿童节,活泼, 童真,童趣,美好,调皮,温情,欢快,拨弦,

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时长 72
BPM 110
循环 Yes