“Cinematic Dark Trailer Background” soundtrack provides a suspenseful atmosphere. Perfect for movies, trailers, and any other project that needs a dark ambient. It’s a perfect background for all kinds of projects where you need something to keep the tension high, such as trailers, film scores, cinematic ghost stories projects, thrillers and video games. Creepy and deep hybrid orchestral music mixing with mysterious chords, dark synths and create a cinematic atmosphere in your video project.
“电影 预告 黑暗 背景”的配乐提供了一个悬疑的气氛。非常适合电影,预告片,和其他任何需要一个黑暗的环境的项目。对于所有需要保持紧张状态的项目,如预告片,电影配乐,电影鬼故事项目,惊悚片和游戏视频,它都是完美的背景。令人毛骨悚然的深层混合管弦乐与神秘的和弦,与深色合成器融合在一起,并在您的视频项目中创造出影院般的氛围。


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时长 142
BPM 88
循环 No