
Gentle and airy background song with a bright melody that inspires; This track was specially composed for inspiring corporate projects(videos and presentations)Powerful and easy listening themes. Catchy melody, interesting, uplifting arrangement and an inspiring overall vibe. Good suitable for: background music, tv, commercials, advertising, corporate videos, presentations, any slideshows, web videos, makings of, info-graphics, documentaries, featurettes, photography production, happy family commercial, corporate presentation, motivational projects, radio podcast, emotional tv ads, triumphant videos, inspirational promo, soaring and hopeful web production, business radio show, background music for motivational speech.

轻柔轻快的背景音乐,带有明亮的旋律,可以激发灵感; 这个曲子专门用于鼓励企业项目(视频和演示)强大而轻松的主题。 潇洒的旋律,有趣,令人振奋的安排和鼓舞人心的整体氛围。 适用于:背景音乐,电视,广告,企业宣传片,演示文稿,任何幻灯片,网络视频,信息图形,纪录片,特写,摄影制作,快乐家庭广告,企业演示,激励项目,广播播客 ,情感电视广告,胜利视频,鼓舞人心的促销,飙升和充满希望的网页制作,商业广播节目,励志演讲的背景音乐。

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时长 154
BPM 110
循环 No