Hard rock song consisting of strong riffs and driving drums/bass section. Of course there is an mandatory 30 sec solo guitar part in the middle Those who like sound of the acoustic guitar won’t be disappointed either. Good for any kind of extreme sports or wild life action. Also for computer games involving snowboarding,skating,racing and that kind of stuff. Great indie rock tune for all your projects! and in case you didn’t notice Indie rock is becoming mainstream and its everywhere from commercials to major new movies

硬摇滚歌曲由强烈的即兴重复段和鼓/低音部分组成。 当然中间有一个强制性的30秒独奏吉他部分。那些喜欢原声吉他声的人也不会失望。 适合任何极限运动或野生动物视频。 也用于涉及单板滑雪,滑冰,赛车等电脑游戏。 适合所有项目的独立摇滚曲调! 如果您没有注意到独立摇滚正在成为主流,它无处不在,从商业广告到主要新电影

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时长 166
BPM 130
循环 No