Instrumental composition made for piano, guitars and strings. The music is soft and smooth and the style is very near to smooth jazz and soft rock. The rhythm is half time, and it’s played by soft drums. The mood is romantic and sentimental and fits very well on romantic and descriptive scenes, on films and tv series. Also works perfectly on nice images and situations, as a background.
配有钢琴,吉他,弦乐的音乐。 音乐柔和流畅,风格非常接近流畅的爵士乐和柔软的摇滚乐。 这种情绪浪漫而多愁善感,非常适合浪漫和描述性的场景,电影和电视剧。 作为背景,也可以在漂亮的图像和情境下完美运行。

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时长 175
BPM 115
循环 No