Instrumental music made for piano and orchestra. The music is leaded by a piano, playing the pain notes of the composition. Then, the music gains energy with the incorporation of the rest of orchestral instruments. The mood is at first mournful and threatening, then gains aggressiveness. This music fits perfect for projects with mournful and suspenseful moods, with quite tension in the background.

用钢琴和管弦乐队制作的音乐。 音乐由钢琴引导,演奏曲子的痛苦音符。 然后,音乐通过结合其余的管弦乐器获得能量。 情绪起初是悲伤和威胁,然后获得侵略性。 这首音乐非常适合具有悲伤和悬疑情绪的项目,背景非常紧张。

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时长 112
BPM 100
循环 No