Home 论坛 For Musician Musician Support (Language: English) The Punish Announcement of the authors who infract regulations

该主题包含 23 个回复,有 12 个参与人,并且由  100Audio-ZhaoShiru2 月, 1 周 前 最后一次更新。

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  • #3698389


    Please tell me. At the moment, more and more sites are appearing that generate music for the user, as well as for authors who can download files in midi format. Which will allow each author to send you screenshots with generated music using neural networks. Do you have any guesses? How will copyright be distributed? How competitive will stock platforms of real authors with generative music be? Thanks for the answer



    Thanks for your feedback.
    Every piece of music we upload now must pass manual review to ensure the integrity of the certification documents.
    Regarding the AI composition you mentioned, we are not accepting it yet because there will be issues with copyright ownership.



    I would like to clarify, the clause of the agreement reads 13.1.1 Works that Party A uploads to the website of the platform to Party B are suspected of copyright infringement; Is the use of samples of libraries and their templates in plugins of musical instruments, examples when using the writing of melodies, harmonies a violation of clause 13.1.1?


    This mainly refers to the use of other people’s content in music and materials without copyright authorization.
    If you are using the software’s own sample sounds, there is no violation.

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