Home 论坛 For Musician Musician Support (Language: English) So, I have to resort to blackmail!!!


该主题包含 5 个回复,有 2 个参与人,并且由  100Audio-ZhaoShiru2 周, 3 天 前 最后一次更新。

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  • #3791373


    My agreement with you expires in 18 days. If I do not receive my funds before the end of the deal, I will not sign and continue! I see a lot of authors want to break the deal with you! Because you are fooling those who make you money. I hope this is not a Chinese tradition!!!
    The time has passed! You have 17 days!!!



    I will help you urge the operations department to handle it as soon as possible



    Thank you! 12 days left! I will not renew my contract with you until I receive my money! Where is my money?



    The specific time for payment depends on the plan of the financial department. I can only help you and ask them again.



    Hello! I still haven’t received my money!



    The payment list will not be available until the middle of this month. I have already informed the finance department of your situation. Just wait for the email notification.
    If the contract is about to expire or there are other problems, the operations department will contact you by email to discuss the follow-up opinions.

    thank you

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