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该主题包含 1 个回复,有 2 个参与人,并且由  100audio-yuanxiaoshuai3 年, 5 月 前 最后一次更新。

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  • #2209619


    Dear 100Audio team,
    please explain the reason for the rejection of two tracks?
    This text came to my mail.

    Your uploaded item “[del](This item cannot be proved)冥想 背景” was declined.

    If there’s an “Automator” in your title, it means that your item was rejected by the system automatically because of simple problems including but not limited to missing documents and other basic information.


    Your uploaded item “[del](This item cannot be proved)为了冥想” was declined.

    If there’s an “Automator” in your title, it means that your item was rejected by the system automatically because of simple problems including but not limited to missing documents and other basic information.

    I’m uploaded (as usual):
    1. Wav file 16-Bit Stereo, 44.1 kHz. in .zip archive
    2. Original certification – in .zip archive
    – Chords.mid
    – Screenshot of the project in IMG.jpg

    I can’t see what could be the problem. Please help in fixing this, thank you!

    There are no problems with other submissions.


    Hi, Saturn

    When a track is an ambient, atmospheric composition, you’d better upload audios of mono tracks as the certification but not only the MID file, because the relevant staff might not find the correct timbre of your work. So it just sounds like the sounds of drone from the midi file you submitted. I hope that’s been of some help.

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