Home 论坛 For Musician Musician Support (Language: English) My bank of beneficiary was blacklisted

该主题包含 1 个回复,有 2 个参与人,并且由  100audio-yuanxiaoshuai4 年 前 最后一次更新。

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  • #1760128


    I received a message that my recipient’s Bank is blacklisted. Could you tell me which Bank I should open an account with to withdraw money from? My country is Russia.
    To which Bank did you successfully transfer money to those authors who live in Russia?
    Please write a list of banks that successfully accepted the payment.


    Hi, AirsoulBeats

    Because the restricted list may be changed at any time by the bank’s instant update, it’s hard for us to give you exact information about beneficiary banks. We could only post which banks are restricted specifically for the moment (https://100audio.com/en/topic/1720350/) and advise you to change another bank for your payment and update your latest bank information as soon as possible.

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