New fresh and clean background track perfect for any inspirational, motivational or uplifting projects! This composition is perfect for promotional videos, commercials, advertisements, movie trailers, film scores, TV ads, YouTube videos, corporate presentations, and much more! Use this track to tell a moving story of success, optimism and achievement and set the perfect tone to entertain, engage and inspire your audience! Hurry up! Add an additional emotional layer to your project! All you need to do is to click the play button and realize that this is exactly what you want! Make all your wonderful works even more memorable
and attractive!
全新清新干净的背景音乐,非常适合任何鼓舞人心、激励或振奋人心的项目! 此组合非常适合宣传视频、广告、广告、电影预告片、电影配乐、电视广告、YouTube 视频、公司演示等等! 使用此曲目讲述成功、乐观和成就的动人故事,并设定完美的基调来娱乐、吸引和激励您的观众! 赶快! 为您的项目添加额外的情感层! 您需要做的就是单击播放按钮并意识到这正是您想要的让你所有的精彩作品更加难忘 和有吸引力!

您可点击 下载 按钮下载试听版,选定音乐后,可通过搜索数字ID或文件名2956930Preview.mp3找到该产品。

时长 142
BPM 120
循环 No