Inspiring Cinematic Epic – beautiful cinematic trailer for your epical video project. Main genre by hollywood epic cinematic, action epic background, dramatic epic soundtrack, epicness inspirational music and motivational epic trailer. Perfect for cinematic slideshow, dramatic video, powerful presentation, epic montage and cinematic opener. Beautiful strings and deep warm piano creates hopeful inspirational mood. Orchestral brass creates adventure and motivational sound, and powerful percussion with deep hybrid bass creates action and motivational mood.
鼓舞 电影 史诗-美丽的电影预告片为您的史诗视频项目专门准备。主要流派由好莱坞史诗电影、动作史诗背景、戏剧史诗配乐、史诗励志音乐和励志史诗预告片组成。适合用于电影幻灯片,戏剧性的视频,强大的演示,史诗蒙太奇和电影开场白。优美的琴弦和深沉温暖的钢琴营造出充满希望和鼓舞人心的情绪。管弦乐铜管创造冒险和动机的声音,和强大的打击与深混合低音创造行动和激励情绪。

您可点击 下载 按钮下载试听版,选定音乐后,可通过搜索数字ID或文件名2148515Preview.mp3找到该产品。

时长 153
BPM 105
循环 No