
Full of passion and heartfelt emotion, this beautiful, sentimental and fresh instrumental background track, features an inspiring mellow piano coupled by an uplifting and emotional cello and a passionate moving violin. The catchy strings’ melodies are based on minimalistic musical motives over smooth, vigorous, vibrant piano arpeggios. This dramatic, inspirational and motivational Neoclassical cinematic score is a perfect choice for intense moments in drama and romance, as well as corporate projects, advertising, commercials, presentations, video, TV and radio where elegancy, passion, melancholy and a touch of modern sophistication is needed.
Similar music productions: Yann Tiersen, Michael Nyman, Win Mertens, Philip Glass, Roberto Cacciapaglia, Ryan Teague, Ludovico Einaudi, Sylvain Chauveau, Fabrizio Paterlini, Jeroen Van Veen.


类似音乐作品:Yann Tiersen,Michael Nyman,Win Mertens,Philip Glass,Roberto Cacciapaglia,Ryan Teague,Ludovico Einaudi,Sylvain Chauveau,Fabrizio Paterlini,Jeroen Van Veen。

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时长 154
BPM 143
循环 No