
Welcome to the sounds of tomorrow. Carefully crafted with modern technology and design in the forefront, the Future library is like no other. This library?s samples and loops defy genres and are ready to propel your tracks into the future of music. Dirty and thick kick drums and tight, snappy snare drums derived from hybridizing classic drum machine samples with acoustic drum tones. Perfect for time lapse, slideshows, atmospheric videos, chillout, openers, commercial, promotional, marketing, presentations, inspirational advertising, business videos, happy videos, motivational video, positive video, successful advertising, light presentations, summer videos, technology videos, successful videos, background, YouTube, VideoHive projects, background presentations
and more!
欢迎来到明天的声音。 未来图书馆以最先进的技术和设计精心打造而成,与众不同。 该库的样本和循环违规,可以随时将曲目推向音乐的未来。 厚实的底鼓和紧紧,活泼的军鼓,它们是通过将经典鼓机采样与原声鼓音色混合而得到的。 非常适合延时摄影,幻灯片演示,大气视频,休闲,开场,商业,促销,市场营销,演示文稿,鼓舞性广告,商务视频,快乐视频,励志视频,正面视频,成功的广告,灯光演示,夏季视频,技术视频,成功 视频,背景,YouTube,VideoHive项目,背景演示等!


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时长 180
BPM 100
循环 No