Xin Shixiang in 100Audio’s Product Cases

100Audio Product Example: Xin Shixiang Documentary “Unmarried Wedding” Sound Track Authorization The commercial music involved in this project is from the work of 100Audio producer ChrisValen, “My Dramatic Story (5 Versions)”. The 100Audio copyright music-licensing platform provides copyright music for Xin Shixiang’s documentary “Unmarried Weddings” and authorized them to use this commercial music work “My […]


Sorry, this entry is only available in 中文. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. 100Audio音乐授权平台获得了主流媒体的认可,平台上国内独立音乐人的优质作品也将被逐渐用于主流媒体中。感谢媒体撰稿以示对音乐行业及100audio平台未来的肯定与期许,我们期望能为正版音乐市场提供更加便捷高效的服务。 100Audio是最早面向商用领域提供授权服务的授权平台。2016年他们就与新华社达成合作,为新华社提供原创音乐授权,成为了唯一接入新华社的在线音乐授权平台。也就是说,通过100Audio国内独立音乐人的优质作品将逐渐被用于主流媒体中。 随着数字时代音乐制作成本的降低及正版化的推进,中国音乐行业开始进入井喷式发展阶段。在大环境下,企业使用者对音乐授权的重视程度极高。这次合作印证了,主流媒体对于音乐正规授权的需求及重视,音乐版权正版化已经成为趋势。 那么合作双方分别都是什么样的背景呢? 新华通讯社,简称新华社,是中国的国家通讯社,法定新闻监管机构,同时也是世界性现代通讯社。新华社建立了覆盖全球的新闻信息采集网络,形成了多语种、多媒体、多渠道、多层次、多功能的新闻发布体系,集通讯社供稿业务、报刊业务、电视业务、经济信息业务、互联网和新媒体业务等为一体,每天24小时不间断用中文、英文、法文、俄文、西班牙文、阿拉伯文、葡萄牙文和日文8种文字,向世界各类用户提供文字、图片、图表、音频、视频等各种新闻和信息产品。 100Audio(自创立以来一直致力于正版数字音乐传播,构建了一个以作品品质为前提的音乐授权平台,为具有创造力的音乐制作人提供更多机会, 也为购买者提供一个透明价格透明品质的购物空间。通过这样良性的生态发展,维护一个稳定健康的授权平台。 此次合作,100Audio让国内独立音乐制作人看到原创作品的更多可能性和想象力,也看到了主流媒体对于新兴音乐授权模式的接纳度及对于音乐授权的需求。近几年来,100Audio这样的音乐授权授权的模式被包括政府机构、媒体机构及各行各业的企业所认可。互联网提供了音乐直接面向购买者的机会,多元化的音乐多元化的购买者,音乐的红利不可能集中于某几位制作人,独立制作人只需专注于制作,在100Audio这样开放透明的环境下,市场会做出选择。 音乐行业自前年起就迎来了各种突破式的发展,而除了C端的需求喷发之外,B端市场也不容小觑。随着政府监管的推动,音乐正版化趋势成为主流,企业购买正版音乐需求旺盛,这一块的需求正在以几何倍增长。而随着数字化制作音乐的门槛降低,大众对于音乐需求的多元化,独立制作人生产力逐渐爆发。需求的增加与生产力的爆发之下一定会有一次井喷式的增长,音乐行业在B端市场未来可期!

Tmall in 100Audio’s Product Cases

100Audio Product Example-Tmall Video Soundtrack Authorization The 100Audio music-licensing platform provides soundtrack licenses for the series of Tmall and authorizes the project to apply the following commercial music works: 100Audio’s Exclusive producer waveStock: Happy Fun Upbeat 100Audio’s Exclusive producer VipSoundStudio: My Lonely Ponny (3 Versions) 100Audio’s Exclusive producer MusikaStudios: Determination Inspiration Motivation Beats (5 Versions) […]

Dunhuang Research Academy in 100Audio’s Product Cases

100Audio product example: Dunhuang Research Academy and Soundtracks Authorization for its video “Bhaisajyaguru” . The commercial music involved in this project comes from 100Audio’s exclusive work “The Jade Pool”. The music-licensing platform 100Audio provides a background music license for Dunhuang Research Academy’s video “Bhaisajyaguru” and authorizes the project to use 100Audio’s exclusive commercial music work […]

God Lie in 100Audio’s Product Cases

100Audio Product Case: God Lie Season 4 Promo:Classic Work, Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty The commercial music involved in this project comes from 100Audio, the copyright music licensing platform. The 100Audio copyright music licensing platform licensed soundtracks for God Lie’s fourth season promo: Classic Work, Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty and  authorized the […]

Chu Man App in 100Audio’s Product Cases

100Audio Product Case: Chu Man App Copyright Music License The commercial music involved in this project comes from 100Audio, the well-known copyright music licensing platform in Asia.   As one of the top music licensing platform in Asia, 100Audio has cooperated with Guangzhou Mengying Animation Network Technology Co., Ltd. to provide copyright music license for its virtual […]

Mu Gua App in 100Audio’s Product Cases

100Audio Product Case: Mu Gua Short Video App Copyright Music License The commercial music involved in this project comes from 100Audio, the well-known copyright music licensing platform in Asia. As the expert in licensing copyright music, 100Audio has partnered with Happy Factory (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. to provide copyright music licenses for its content interaction […]

Bosera Funds in 100Audio’s Product Cases

100Audio Product Case:  Bosera Funds 21st-Anniversary Promo The copyright music in this promo comes from 100Audio’s exclusive producer, AudioPanda’s “Powerful Motivational Cinematic Piano(5 Versions)”. Well-known in the copyright music licensing filed, 100Audio cooperates with Bosera Funds this time and provides copyright music to its 21st-anniversary promo “Have a New Discovery Journey of Value-Bosera Funds’ 21st […]


100AUDIO’S PRODUCT CASE——WAN ChAI FERRY PIER THE INVOLVED BACKGROUND MUSIC, DARLING (VOCAL SONG) IS FROM 100AUDIO’S AUTHOR—ANDYZYU Recently,the 100Audio music licensing platform has engaged with Wan Chai Ferry Pier to provide a soundtrack license for its” Seeing the Heart of the Heart” commercial video, authorizing the project to use 100Audio’s author AndyZyu’s commercial music works […]


THE INVOLVED BACKGROUND MUSIC, 8Bit Game Logo Intro (2 Versions) IS FROM 100AUDIO’S EXCLUSIVE AUTHOR—PetRUalitY. Recently,the 100Audio music licensing platform has engaged with Dicos to provide a soundtrack license for its commercial video, authorizing the project to use 100Audio’s author PetRUality’s commercial music work”8Bit Game Logo Intro(2 Versions).   As one of the Western-style fast food brands that […]