Chinese Music

一、Title/Login KEY WORDS:Grand、Heroic、Title KEY WORDS:Melodious、Relax、Wide、Title KEY WORDS:Lyric、Tragic、Wasteland、Title 二、City/Village City/Village 1.Novice Village KEY WORDS:Happy、Breezy、Village KEY WORDS:Relax、Melodious、Village 2.City KEY WORDS:Grand、City KEY WORDS:Relax、City 三、Battle 1.KEY WORDS:Tense、Battle 2.KEY WORDS:Tense、Battle 四、BOSS KEY WORDS:Oppressive、BOSS 五、Scene Music Valley: Forest: Desert: Atmosphere: Comming next:Christmas Music

音乐满2首 总价-60%

Sorry, this entry is only available in 中文. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. 活动时间:2016.09.22–2016.09.30 ·购物车内有2首音乐 ·总价享受-60%优惠(每首199元) 活动产品:原创音乐库 活动时间:2016.09.22–2016.09.30 (独家授权音乐不参加活动) 购物车截图:

三重折扣 最高25%OFF

Sorry, this entry is only available in 中文. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. 100AUDIO 限时优惠活动:三重折扣 最高25%OFF 活动时间:2016.09.01–2016.09.30 ·满1500元-12% ·满2500元-20% ·满5000元-25% 参加活动商品:原创音乐库,音效库 不参加活动商品:独家授权音乐 活动期间,只要在购物车内的商品超过1500,2500,5000元的金额,就能享受优惠活动   购物车优惠效果: