a full length contemporary instrumental track, featuring fluid drum beats, ambient guitars, soft sweet melodies, leading into a big massive orchestral theme. The piano melody in contrast to the massive sound is inspiring, uplifting, powerful, and takes the listener to another place. The full length means the tracks sections can be used several times in a production, as part of a trailer, or film sequence.
一首现代乐器长音乐,以流畅的鼓点,氛围吉他,柔和甜美的旋律为特色,并引入一个大型管弦乐主题。 钢琴的旋律与巨大的声音形成对比,鼓舞,振奋,大气,并将听众带到另一个地方。 全长意味着音乐部分可以在制作中多次使用,作为预告片或电影片段的一部分。

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时长 300
BPM 120
循环 No