Inspirational music projecting strong emotions of adventure, wanderlust and positivity. This uplifting instrumental music is all about opening up and discovering new ventures and realms. Featuring woodwind, powerful trumpets, acoustic guitar, gamelan, seruling flute, a strong upbeat tempo and a sense of building to something grand, this track is ideal for any coming of age story. It has Malaysian and Indonesian influences giving it an Asian feel fused with a Western vibe. Ideal uses include travel documentaries, business corporate videos, slideshows, presentations, montages, commercials and advertising.
鼓舞人心的音乐,表现出强烈的冒险精神,旅行的欲望和积极性。 这首令人振奋的纯器乐是关于开发新的冒险和领域。 这首曲目配以木管乐器,大气的小号,原声吉他,长笛,强劲的欢快节奏和及建造的气势,这首音乐对于任何一个时代的故事来说都是理想的。 这首曲子的风格有着马来西亚和印度尼西亚的元素,使其具有融合西方氛围的亚洲风情。 理想的用途包括旅行纪录片,商业企业宣传片,幻灯片,演示文稿,蒙太奇,商业广告。

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时长 30
BPM 125
循环 Yes