This is a combination of electric guitar, bass and percussion music, which is suitable for all kinds of enterprises to use for enterprise publicity types or flash card points. The repeated electric guitar riff and percussion music build a dynamic emotional state of youth and vitality. From the gentle beginning, the accumulated strong emotion slowly transitions to the climax of the publicity and passion, which is especially suitable for product publicity and sports event videos.
这是一首电吉他、贝斯及打击乐组合而成适合各类企业用于企业宣传类型或快闪卡点类的作品,不断重复的电吉他 riff和打击乐构建青春活力动感的情绪状态,从开头的平缓,积攒浓厚的情绪慢慢过渡到张扬激情的高潮段落,特别适用在产品宣发及体育赛事活动类视频当中。

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时长 108
BPM 90
循环 No