Embodies mystery, mystery and meditative energy, which invites the listener to travel through dense foggy forests and ancient ruins. The sounds smoothly intertwine like swirls of smoke, creating an upward flow of melodies that envelop the mind and make a deep impression.
Embodying the energy of mystery, mystery and meditation, listeners are invited to travel through dense misty forests and ancient ruins. These sounds are smoothly intertwined like swirls of smoke, forming an upward-flowing melody that envelops the mind and leaves a deep impression.
Embodies mystery, mystery and meditative energy, which invites the listener to travel through dense foggy forests and ancient ruins. The sounds smoothly intertwine like swirls of smoke, creating an upward flow of melodies that envelop the mind and make a deep impression.
体现了神秘,神秘和冥想的能量,邀请听众穿越茂密的雾林和古老的废墟。 这些声音像烟雾的漩涡一样平滑地交织在一起,形成了向上流动的旋律,笼罩着心灵,给人留下深刻的印象。

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时长 80
BPM 81
循环 Yes