This is a blend of EDM and IV style high-end commercial advertising soundtrack.

It is full of vitality, popular EDM melody and gorgeous IV style rhythm mixed together to create a relaxed, happy and full of charm atmosphere, can be applied to business type, high-end light luxury products, sports brands and other scenes. Whether it is innovative fashion products or traditional classics, they can be performed in this relaxed and cheerful atmosphere.

Although this music is in a good mood, it is also very energetic, breathable and releases a positive attitude. As the soundtrack of commercial advertisements, it is suitable for displaying a certain product or brand, giving it a unique style and taste. While showing people this brand, product or service, this music will also make people full of goodwill and trust in them, and enhance the image of the brand or product in the minds of consumers.

In this era, what is needed is not only sound and visual feelings, but also emotions and feelings throughout the entire audio-visual experience. This EDM and IV style music will give you this unparalleled experience to help you win more opportunities and market share in the business world.

Let’s feel the joy and unique charm of this EDM and IV style music, and bring more vitality and vitality to your commercial advertisements!

它充满活力、流行的 EDM 旋律与华丽的 IV 风格律动混合在一起,营造出轻松、幸福和充满魅力的气氛,可适用于商务类型、高端轻奢产品、运动品牌等各种场景。不管是创新的潮品还是传统的经典,都能在这种轻松欢快的氛围中得以表现。


在这个时代,需要的不仅是声音和视觉的感受,还要让情感与感受贯穿于整个视听体验中。这种 EDM 和 IV 风格音乐将为您带来这种无与伦比的体验,帮助您在商业领域中赢得更多的机会和市场份额。

让我们来感受这种 EDM 和 IV 风格音乐带来的快乐和独特魅力,为您的商业广告带来更多生气和活力吧!

您可点击 下载 按钮下载试听版,选定音乐后,可通过搜索数字ID或文件名3383214Preview.mp3找到该产品。

时长 50
BPM 130
循环 No