Elevate your project to new heights with “Acoustic Upbeat Corporate Background” – a captivating and versatile  instrumental song that will leave a lasting impression. This dynamic track features a piano arpeggio that draws you in from the very beginning, and evolves with the addition of acoustic drums, bass, acoustic guitars, and strings, creating a rich and immersive musical experience.

Perfectly suited for a wide range of applications, “Acoustic Upbeat Corporate Background” is ideal for corporate videos, commercials, vlogs, documentaries, and more. Its upbeat and lighthearted tone is sure to bring a sense of joy, positivity, and inspiration to your visuals, making it perfect for projects related to spring, nature, travel, food, and events. The track also carries a sense of emotional depth, making it suitable for scenes that require an uplifting and motivational backdrop.

With its inspirational and motivational sound, “Acoustic Upbeat Corporate Background” is also perfect for promotional content, movies, and commercials, adding a touch of energy and excitement to your visuals. It’s well-suited for projects related to business, luxury, lifestyle, and summer events, creating an ambiance of sophistication and elegance. The calming and pleasant nature of the music also makes it suitable for creating a relaxing atmosphere in your events or promotional materials.
通过 “声学乐观的公司背景” 将您的项目提升到新的高度-这是一首迷人且多功能的器乐歌曲,将给人留下持久的印象。这个充满活力的音轨以钢琴琶音为特色,从一开始就吸引您,并随着原声鼓,贝斯,原声吉他和琴弦的加入而发展,创造了丰富而身临其境的音乐体验。

非常适合广泛的应用,“声学乐观的企业背景” 是公司视频,广告,视频博客,纪录片等的理想选择。它乐观而轻松的色调肯定会给您的视觉效果带来欢乐,积极和灵感,使其非常适合与春季,自然,旅行,美食和活动相关的项目。该曲目还带有情感深度感,使其适合需要令人振奋和激励的背景的场景。

凭借其鼓舞人心和激励人心的声音,“声学乐观的企业背景” 也非常适合促销内容,电影和商业广告,为您的视觉效果增添了活力和兴奋感。它非常适合与商业、奢侈品、生活方式和夏季活动相关的项目,营造出精致和优雅的氛围。音乐的平静和愉悦的性质也使其适合在您的活动或宣传材料中营造轻松的氛围。

您可点击 下载 按钮下载试听版,选定音乐后,可通过搜索数字ID或文件名3370439Preview.mp3找到该产品。

时长 216
BPM 118
循环 No