Ethnic Drums, Jungle Drum Beat, Tribal Drums Background

This track great for travel and journey trailer, jungle and safari background, africa ethnic landscapes and much more. Also perfect for native american culture and tribal traditions scenes, wild life and nature documentary films and much more.
We were inspired to create this track by the films Black Panther and The Lion King. Travel to the world with music for the landscapes and the massive diversity of culture and religion. Beautiful cinematic world music that brings to mind images of beautiful landscapes: Kenya, Mauritius, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Eritrea, Ethiopia, South Africa, Mauritius, Cape Verde or any cultures.
This music will be a perfect seasoning for any kind of media production that needs a rhythm and dynamic drums and percussion.
Many thanks and enjoy it.


这条音乐非常适合旅行和旅行预告片、丛林和野生动物园背景、非洲民族景观等等。 也非常适合美国原住民文化和部落传统场景、野生动物和自然纪录片等等。 我们受到电影《黑豹》和《狮子王》的启发创作了这首音乐。 带着音乐环游世界,欣赏风景和文化和宗教的巨大多样性。 美丽的电影世界音乐让人想起美丽风景的图像:肯尼亚、毛里求斯、马达加斯加、马里、摩洛哥、莫桑比克、纳米比亚、坦桑尼亚、突尼斯、乌干达、厄立特里亚、埃塞俄比亚、南非、毛里求斯、佛得角或任何文化。 对于需要节奏和动态鼓和打击乐的任何类型的媒体制作,这种音乐将是完美的选择。 非常感谢并享受它

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时长 72
BPM 50
循环 No