A piano piece depicting a quiet and beautiful morning, with piano synthesizer pad guitar. The music developed from quiet to the final climax. There were three versions for commercial use in 3 minutes, 30 seconds and 15 seconds.
A piano piece depicting a quiet and beautiful morning, with piano synthesizer pad guitar. The music developed from quiet to the final climax. There were three versions for commercial use in 3 minutes, 30 seconds and 15 seconds.
一首描绘安静唯美早晨的钢琴曲,配器有钢琴 合成器Pad 吉他。 音乐从安静发展到最后高潮,一共有制作3个版本 3分钟 30秒 15秒供商用。

您可点击 下载 按钮下载试听版,选定音乐后,可通过搜索数字ID或文件名3031295Preview.mp3找到该产品。

时长 229
BPM 97
循环 No