It is a humorous and funny music in the style of ancient costume. Pipa and suona Concerto integrate Western musical instruments and drum groups. The combination of China and the west makes the music have a unique flavor. There are new in the ancient and Ancient Rhymes in the new. It is suitable for all kinds of humorous and funny scenes. It can also be used in ancient costume dramas and TV dramas in the style of the Republic of China and Northeast China
一首幽默诙谐 搞怪的偏古装风格的曲子 琵琶 与唢呐协奏 融合了西方的乐器及鼓组 中西结合 使曲子有种独具一格味道 古中有新 新中有古韵 适合于各种幽默诙谐搞笑的场景 也可用于古装剧及民国和东北风格的电视剧

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时长 150
BPM 80
循环 No