Optimistic, inspiring, movies and music full of light energy. String, brass, piano, bass and powerful percussion will create an optimistic and positive mood. Ideal for award ceremonies, holiday opening and many other inspiring projects, including speeches, vacations, adventures and important discoveries. This exciting orchestral music is the perfect background for any type of award ceremony, Nomination Show, winner award ceremony and sports event opener. Perfect for any project where you need to set an inspiring and inspiring mood.

这是一首乐观,鼓舞人心,电影和充满能量,明亮的音乐。 使用了弦乐,铜管,钢琴,低音和大气的打击乐,这将创造一个乐观,积极的情绪。 非常适合颁奖典礼,假期开放和许多其他鼓舞人心的项目,包括演讲,度假,冒险和重要发现。 这个令人振奋的管弦乐音乐是任何类型的颁奖典礼,提名秀,获奖者奖励仪式和体育赛事揭幕战的完美背景。 完美适合任何项目,在那里你需要设置激励和鼓舞人心的情绪。

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时长 143
BPM 145
循环 No