
Epic Inspiring Beautiful Piano – an commercial orchestral, dramatic, epic, heroic, inspiring and powerful cinematic music for your project. This epic track is perfect for a video games / films / movie trailer and any other project that needs heroic and emotional epic music. Also recomended for presentation, blogs, hopeful and beautiful inspiring videos, as well as marketing, documentary and corporate videos. The mood is then taken to the next level with the huge orchestral, drums and melodies that are awesome for your visual projects.
史诗 鼓舞 美丽 钢琴-这是一首商业管弦乐队,戏剧,史诗,英雄,鼓舞人心和强大的电影音乐为您的项目所专门准备。这首史诗曲目非常适合视频游戏/电影/电影预告片和任何其他需要英雄和情感史诗音乐的项目。也推荐用于演讲、博客、充满希望和美丽的鼓舞人心的视频,以及市场营销、纪录片和公司视频。然后,巨大的管弦乐队,鼓声和旋律将您的视觉项目带入一个新的高度。

您可点击 下载 按钮下载试听版,选定音乐后,可通过搜索数字ID或文件名2163041Preview.mp3找到该产品。

时长 153
BPM 110
循环 No