
A beautiful and fabulous dynamic Christmas song. Female vocal, bells, ukuleles, drums and an inspiring waiting for the miracle in the Happy New Year – all of these things are in this song. 2 versions of the song – vocal version, instrumental version. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Bright lights,
White snow
Dancing in the moonlight.
Smiling down let you know
That the world around is magic,
That the world around is magic tonight.
Merry Merry Christmas!
Make a wish – don’t miss a chance!
May your dreams come true at once!
Hey, hey! Hey, hey!
Merry Merry Christmas!
Make a wish – don’t miss a chance!
May your dreams come true at once!
Hey, hey! Hey, hey!
If you’re alone
And want to cry,
You feel no power to fly.
Soon you will be all right!
Cause you know –
The world is magic.
Cause the world around is magic tonight!
Merry Merry Christmas!
Make a wish – don’t miss a chance!
May your dreams come true at once!
Hey, hey! Hey, hey!
Merry Merry Christmas!
Make a wish – don’t miss a chance!
May your dreams come true at once!
Hey, hey! Hey, hey!
Composer, arranger: Sergey Gulevich
Lyrics, lead vocal: Tanya Gulevich
Bright lights,
White snow
Dancing in the moonlight.
Smiling down let you know
That the world around is magic,
That the world around is magic tonight.
Merry Merry Christmas!
Make a wish – don’t miss a chance!
May your dreams come true at once!
Hey, hey! Hey, hey!
Merry Merry Christmas!
Make a wish – don’t miss a chance!
May your dreams come true at once!
Hey, hey! Hey, hey!
If you’re alone
And want to cry,
You feel no power to fly.
Soon you will be all right!
Cause you know –
The world is magic.
Cause the world around is magic tonight!
Merry Merry Christmas!
Make a wish – don’t miss a chance!
May your dreams come true at once!
Hey, hey! Hey, hey!
Merry Merry Christmas!
Make a wish – don’t miss a chance!
May your dreams come true at once!
Hey, hey! Hey, hey!
作曲,编曲:Sergey Gulevich

歌词,主唱:Tanya Gulevich

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时长 223
BPM 140
循环 No